First Communication meeting with Sister projects

As anticipated in a previous post, the first meeting with other BIPV sister project took place on Monday 24th June.
The coordinators and dissemination managers of fours projects came together to discuss how to join forces and work together, aiming at achieving our (common) goals more effectively.

The journey just started but everyone is already very excited and motivated!

Sisters project:

  1. Increase: effectIve advaNCements towaRds uptakE of PV integrAted in buildingS & infrastructure
  2. MASS-IPV: Enabling Massive Integration of PV into Buildings and Infrastructure
  3. Seamless-PV: Development of advanced manufacturing equipment and processes aimed at the seamless integration of multifunctional PV solutions, enabling the deployment of IPV sectors
  4. MC2.0: Mass Customization (Mc) Is A New Photovoltaic (Pv) Manufacturing Concept Based On Cleverly Designed Semi-Fabricates

Project progress

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