Expected and Achieved Results

On this page you can find the project's expected and achieved results (deliverables).

WP1 Project Management and Coordination

Expected / Achieved results:

  1. Project Management Plan
  2. Initial Quality Assurance and Risk Management Plan
  3. Data Management Plan
  4. Final Quality Assurance and Risk Management Plan

WP2 Dissemination, Communication and exploitation activities, including business plans

Expected / Achieved results:

  1. Project identity (including project website)
  2. Communication & Dissemination (C&D) Plan Report
  3. Exploitable results and exploitation routes
  4. Exploitation plans and IPR protection strategies

WP3 Development of PV products including innovative interconnection concept with matrix shingling and new layers featuring aesthetical upgrade, new functionalities and power boost

Expected / Achieved results:

  1. Techno-economic analysis (semitransparent modules)
  2. Techno-economic analysis (tiles including specifications)
  3. Techno-economic analysis (lightweight PV modules specifications)
  4. Advantages of matrix shingle technology for integrated PV
  5. Fabrication and initial performances of SPHINX products
  6. Final reliability assessment of SPHINX products
  7. Coatings for functional and aesthetic PV
  8. Encapsulants for functional and aesthetic PV

WP4 Technology scale-up and industrialization including equipment automation

Expected / Achieved results:

  1. Design pilot line
  2. Edge passivation
  3. Front end automation
  4. Production data collection

WP5 Demonstration and validation of SPHINX technology

Expected / Achieved results:

  1. Project selection. Demo Design + Authorizations
  2. Renovation of industrial buildings
  3. PV integration in individual houses including façade
  4. PV solar tiles integration in heritage house
  5. Demonstration of advanced PV technology for carport application
  6. Demonstration for PV integrated noise barrier
  7. Performance of demonstrators

WP6 Economic, Environmental and Sustainability assessment and recommendations

Expected / Achieved results:

  1. Cost assessment of SPHINX IPV modules
  2. LCA report on SPHINX IPV products
  3. Report on 3R’s of IPV products: Repair, re-use, recycle
  4. Social barriers to IPV
  5. Final cost assessment of SPHINX IPV modules

Project progress

© 2023 SPHINX

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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