Expected and Achieved Results
On this page you can find the project's expected and achieved results (deliverables).
WP1 Project Management and Coordination
Expected / Achieved results:
- Project Management Plan
- Initial Quality Assurance and Risk Management Plan
- Data Management Plan
- Final Quality Assurance and Risk Management Plan
WP2 Dissemination, Communication and exploitation activities, including business plans
Expected / Achieved results:
- Project identity (including project website)
- Communication & Dissemination (C&D) Plan Report
- Exploitable results and exploitation routes
- Exploitation plans and IPR protection strategies
WP3 Development of PV products including innovative interconnection concept with matrix shingling and new layers featuring aesthetical upgrade, new functionalities and power boost
Expected / Achieved results:
- Techno-economic analysis (semitransparent modules)
- Techno-economic analysis (tiles including specifications)
- Techno-economic analysis (lightweight PV modules specifications)
- Advantages of matrix shingle technology for integrated PV
- Fabrication and initial performances of SPHINX products
- Final reliability assessment of SPHINX products
- Coatings for functional and aesthetic PV
- Encapsulants for functional and aesthetic PV
WP4 Technology scale-up and industrialization including equipment automation
Expected / Achieved results:
- Design pilot line
- Edge passivation
- Front end automation
- Production data collection
WP5 Demonstration and validation of SPHINX technology
Expected / Achieved results:
- Project selection. Demo Design + Authorizations
- Renovation of industrial buildings
- PV integration in individual houses including façade
- PV solar tiles integration in heritage house
- Demonstration of advanced PV technology for carport application
- Demonstration for PV integrated noise barrier
- Performance of demonstrators
WP6 Economic, Environmental and Sustainability assessment and recommendations
Expected / Achieved results:
- Cost assessment of SPHINX IPV modules
- LCA report on SPHINX IPV products
- Report on 3R’s of IPV products: Repair, re-use, recycle
- Social barriers to IPV
- Final cost assessment of SPHINX IPV modules